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Mission Statement

We are convinced that social change begins with the search for sustainable economic approaches and ecologically and socially responsible life concepts. People are a direct condition for this, whose actions follow value orientation, who have an ethical power of judgement and who are ready to take on responsibility. This applies to all sectors of a society, set against the backdrop of globalized economic interplay, however especially to the business sector. 

We therefore concentrate on the entrepreneurial responsibility towards people, the environment and society and together with our partners from all socially relevant sectors, are on the look-out for solutions that make responsible business possible.

We are an operationally active ThinkTank, aspire to the "Collective Impact" in the form of co-operation and partnerships and adopt advocacy for business ethics issues with the objective of making ethical risks relevant to companies (economically).


  • generate expertise through ethical risk assessments of specific industries and their value added chains
  • organize cross-sectoral discourse processes for negotiating conflicts of value and for solving socio-political challenges
  • assess governance structures and seek to influence the shapers of the political framework, leaders of economic businesses and decision-makers in civil society organisations
  • also especially sensitize young people to ethical issues and thus enhance their judgement and critical abilities